#Madagascar, Paris second take

The First image that we had from Paris was quite negative but, fortunately, it changed quickly. An exchange of a few SMS and we were sitting around the glass of friendship with parisian friends. It's always a pleasure to meet see again people met during former holidays.

The strategic choice of a hotel close to the railway station was almost perfect. The fact that we decided to walk there with our bags and buckets was not very wise. We got very thirsty and had to stop in a typical bar at the Diderot avenue.

Nous fûmes tout de suite acceuillis par la population locale qui nous apparut comme des cobayes du régime dissocié bière-ricard. Bien que nous situant dans la ville lumière, un petit goût de hainaut me vint à l’esprit. Cette bucolique province regorgeant de nombreux petits bars de ce type. Nous avions un copié/collé de la faune si chère à https://dreamsandmoods.blogspot.com/p/brandon-le-wallon.html. D’ailleurs, Catherine m’interpella dans un joyeux brouhaha en patois tournaisien. Cela ne s’invente pas! Nous nous sommes enfuis avant de finir la nuit piégés dans cette taverne.

That's how we understood that even in Paris the native parisians have an exceptionnal welcome. I would even say that the negative image of the French capital comes from the behaviour of parisians on holiday. Of course, standing in the train 20 minutes before the arrival still haunts me.

After sharing a couple of beers with the locals who explained us everything about the neighborhood, Gerard welcomed us in his hotel. An other warm and friendly place. He lead us to an excellent "brasserie" where we had succulent meal "à la française".

It's really far from the touristic tracks that we find an excellent welcome and good adresses.

PS: No, still no Eiffel tower.

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